Brutal Assault 2017 - 09-12/08/2017 - Jaromer

L’affiche est quand meme grave moins bien, mais il y a VOD aussi donc je te comprends.

Et Burn :domenech:

Ah ouais.
Mais je les verrais pour la troisieme fois a Londres quelque jours avant.

LINEUP UPDATE! We now bring you the final update for this year. This time we bring you some of the most interesting underground bands of their respective genres out there. As their name implies, The Great Old Ones are heavily inspired by the works of H. P. Lovecraft. Like the sinister novels and stories of the horror icon, the music of these Frenchmen delves into the forbidden, dark, haunting and violent spheres of post-metal and ambient. Higher Power play brassy hardcore the British way while Phurpa will perform soul cleansing musical ritual of Bön tradition. Polish Furia has a very personal take on black metal including several style transgressions. Mercy Ties are touring with Birds in Row this year and present punk-rock gone schizo; a deformed approach that adds elements of math rock and grind to create something unsettling, unpredictable and distinctive. Norwegian avant-garde representatives Madder Mortem will travel through a wide array of musical landscapes and German black metal band ULTHA will show their own hybrid of Scandinavian and US-black metal, doom and dark wave melodies. The first Saturday slot will traditionally let you relax on the wave of cheerful goregrind this time executed by Polish Nuclear Vomit while the tradition of the last slot of the fest draining you of the last bits of energy by gloomy funeral doom will be upheld by French MONOLITHE. Also we have for you is Soen, a super-group project of former Opeth, Amon Amarth and Willowtree members with contribution of Steve DiGiorgio. Expect melodic, heavy, intricate and very unique blend of progressive metal. Last but not least, we are excited to welcome again Italian symphonic death metal masters FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE.

Deux sets de Incantation!

This annual Brutal Assault will host a plethora of special gigs! Get ready for [b]Incantation[/b] playing one old school set and one 'doom' set (think [i]Unto Infinite Twilight[/i]), [b]Emperor[/b] official will play '[i]Anthems[/i]...' from start to finish, The True [b]Mayhem[/b] will do a full '[i]De Mysteriis..[/i]' set, [b]Tiamat[/b] will play '[i]Wild Honey[/i]' in its entirety, [b]Samael[/b] will do a special annual set (details TBA), then we have two very special returns from the netherworld the fans alredy stopped hoping for - [b]Master's Hammer[/b] and [b]Demolition Hammer[/b] and in the end we have to mention historically the longest set BA will ever see performed by Swans..!


énorme annonce là quand même…

Tiamat et Samael au Fall of Summer plz :icon_mrgreen:

Swans aussi s’il le faut…

EH BEH ! :delarue:

Innovation dans le monde du festival : le Brutal Assault propose d’envoyer en avance le bracelet avec le cashless dedans. Comme ça t’arrives, tu fais pas queue, tu rentres, tu bois direct. Parfait.

et sinon t’arrives, tu fais pas queue, tu rentres, tu payes avec de l’argent, non ?

La queue de l’an dernier non merci, une horreur, 3 heures sous la flotte. J’étais sûr que t’allais faire une réponse indignée :zemmour: Ou Bob.

YA mieux.
J’y vais et je me fais pas enculer avec leur systeme de merde…

Tu vas faire comment alors ? Tu bois pas ?

j’ai oublié un pas

Tiens ils ont refait pas mal de parties du running order, et j’ai quasiment plus de chevauchements, à part pendant 2 heures le dernier jour, je peux même voir les Swans en entier.

Pour le running order en beau :

tout se chevauche. Pas de regrets du coup


Un ami était chaud pour qu’on y aille, cette année. La programmation est belle mais les dates ne me vont pas.