Burning Light Fest 2015 - Lisbon - 07-08/02/2015

“May the Light shine bright”

As music and particularly heavy music lovers we were always somewhat sad by realizing that throughout the years Lisbon was never that “metal friendly” of a city. Sure we got some concerts here and there scattered through the city here and there but there was never something that was organized consistently enough, a place to call home.
Goodlife HQ was aware that there was great demand of a place in Lisbon that promoted the best that underground metal has to offer and so we are proud to present the Burning Light Festival. BL Fest will be held at the 7 and 8th of February 2015, at RCA Club in Lisbon.

Sludge, doom, hardcore and psych are some of the main ingredients of an adventure we know will be absolutely unique. There will be art exhibits and merch stands and Goodlife HQ will make all the necessary efforts to make sure you’ll have an experience you won’t forget.

During the next couple of days we will start announcing bands, we promise a load of ungodly heaviness and a quite a few surprises.
Between the 1st of September and the 1st of October you’ll be able to purchase tickets at the reduced price of 30€ for both days of the BL Fest 2015.
Bear in mind that the BL Fest is limited to 300 people so be sure to get your tickets on time because…this one’s for you

“May the Light shine bright”

























TICKETS : 40€ two days pass

Page facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BurningLightFest
Event facebook : http://www.facebook.com/events/416383721833015/

D’autres groupes vont se rajouter… par une source tres proche de l’orga ça va etre quasi que des groupes etrangers et plutot rare (ici au portugal), donc j’ai de grosse attente pour ce festival

Blind to Faith c’est sympa en concert, en revanche j’espère que The Secret aura un bon son. La seule fois où on m’a dit les avoir vu en forme c’était avec Rise and Fall au Batofar. A part ça, leurs deux concerts parisiens auquel j’ai pu assister, avec Kvelertak et Deafheaven, avait un son abominable.

  • #5 Tombstones (NORWAY)
  • #6 Plebeian Grandstand (FRANCE)
  • #7 FISTULA (USA)
In a world where injustices are the common law, does it matter if we ignore just one more? It does. Fistula, without any plausible justification whatsoever, seldom are referenced as one of the essential sludge acts - even taking in consideration that they exist since 1998. While Buzzov*en where dilacerating themselves and Eyehategod were taking some shut-eye, these guys were nurturing some of the best records within the genre – just give a listen to «Burden By Your Existence» or «Smoke Acid, Shoot Pills» to be aware of what we’re talkin g about. Without any complacency to what living in society means, they have been building honest odes to escapism – the last one, entitled «Vermin Prolificus», was released just weeks ago through To Live A Lie Records and it shows how averse Fistula are to the Homo Sapiens species in general and sobriety in particular. Burning Light Fest will welcome them in February and will give them the precise habitat they need to exhale repugnancy.
In the obscure Italian extreme music genealogy, Hierophant are the distant cousin who is hardly seen by the rest of the family their soiled life choices turned them into a crawling vermin roaming throughout a somber neighborhood, where the vitriolic hardcore breeds and the fondness of Lucifer hides behind every corner. Hierophant’s iconography perhaps justify what we listen in «Great Mother : Holy Monster» - beyond the punk giddiness, there is a wrathful drench of black metal and that, per se, makes this record, released last year through Bridge Nine, a mandatory one. You will definitely not observe any sort of positive mental attitude; just a dosage of nihilism running down your head, in the form of the murkiest riffs you can find nowadays. They will play Burning Light Fest with a new LP to be released soon as well and, in Lisbon, the reencounter with The Secret, their partners in crime, is assured
  • #9 Adrift (ESP)
There is no logical reason to be chauvinist, when it comes to Spanish extreme music –do you remember Moho? We definitely do. While not being as cavernous as the aforementioned, Adrift have studied the psalms, the footnotes and the sentences of post-metal. Upon it, they pour a subtle dosage of psychedelic elements and guitars as tough as fortified cement - what we obtain is that vigorous strength that we linked with Mastodon before they started to love video clips more than music. «Black Heart Bleeds Black», released back in 2012 (with the mastering being responsibility of the almighty James Plotkin), is still the latest LP by Adrift and the indubitable proof of how good this Madrid act is. Knowing it, the Dutch Incubate festival have included them on their 2014 line-up; while Burning Light Fest will show to Portugal, next February, this great hidden European pearl
Far away from aesthetical pretensions, Mutilation Rites play black metal without any sort of cliché handbook. Quite familiar with the genre, they summon the rawness of punk just to create an interesting merge –a thrashy one, which left the listener wandering if this could be an old school band, even though their records production is definitely well polished. The latest, entitled «Harbringer», has just been released via the seminal Prosthetic Records and it has been widely acclaimed due its undeniable strength. Therefore, it is not an understatement to say that this is the best period of Mutilation Rites career – not only they are promoting their best LP to date, they’ve also been touring with Full Of and Black Breath, while being included on the bill of Gilead Music Festival along with Ash Borer and Thou. The New Yorkers will play at the first edition of Burning Light Fest and Lisbon will sure give them a great 2015 first step.
  • #11 HYMN (NOR)
Do not complicate – that is the primordial lesson that Hymn give to us, while they are just starting to write their first chapters. However, their simplicity, built upon a faultless mutual understanding between Ole Rokseth e Markus Støle, do not make them any less dense emotionally speaking: the sidereal doom which they coin takes us back to the proto- dimensions where Yob found the Hinduism knotty answers. With each absorbed riff, we’re deeply sure that in Oslo lies a singular and promising act, which has just signed with Heksekunst Productions and have just shared the stage with the great Windhand. While their first LP is still being prepared, Hymn will play in Lisbon just to show us how possible is it to draw cosmic musical tissues with merely four hands

2 days ticket for BL Fest with the offer of this shirt for only 30€. Avaiable from 1st September till 1st October;

Si y a Goatsnake, on vient squatter chez toi !

ils viennent en europe en Mai pour le Temples à Bristol… (semaine d’avant ils sont au MDF)
ça m’etonnerait qu’ils soit donc dans le coin en fevrier… si y a tournee ou d’autre date d’eux ça sera après mai je pense.

En tout cas plutot plaisant cette affiche pour l’instant qu’avec des groupes que j’ai jamais vu (Voir meme entendu parler pour pas mal d’entre eux). ça fera un fest decouverte et j’ai tres grosse confiance en l’organisateur qui a bon gout et fait les choses bien generalement.

bref pour une premiere edition c’est pas mal du tout, meme si perso j’aimerais bien des annonces de groupes un peu plus “connu”.

Pour info pearly c’est cette orga qui ramene Hexis et c’est dans le cadre promo warm up de ce fest qu’ils vont jouer d’ailleurs.

L’organisteur travaille en plus depuis 2 semaine au bar club où je vais tout le temps de mes potes à Cascais … ça sent pas mal de bonne decouvertes comme ça

Fistula, ya d’autres dates ? Hormis celle là et le Bloodshed ?

Vas en avoir je pense ils sont en tournée:

Cool :frotte:

Je viens d’acheter mon pass 2 jours + Tshirt 30€ :banane:
L’organisateur m’a donné 2 nouveau nom qui sont pas encore annoncé pour vous:
[spoiler]Jarboe e Dragged Into Sunlight.[/spoiler]

tu veux pas qu’on vienne on dirait !!! :bunk:

c’est pas de ma faute lol
qd je prenais mon billet je lui ai dit que des potes français attendaient affiche pour se decider… et il m’a dit tu peux leur annoncer ça.

semaine derniere il m’a dit qu’il negociait un autre groupe mais je connaissais pas et je me souviens plus du nom :arthur:


Oblivionized c’est bien cool, groupe de grindcore dans le genre Discordance Axis.


Affiche sympa mais ptet pas assez pour se motiver… après c’est un WE et sur une coup de tete, on ne sait jamais :zemmour:

J’espere que ça va bien marcher ce fest… car affiche est vraiment sympa avec plein de truc plutot rare (Surtout pour ici) et pour l’instant vraiment peu de groupe Portugais.

generalement les “petits” fest ici c’est uniquement quand 2 plateau se croisent ils en profitent pour faire fest et rajouter quelques groupe pt… alors que la ça se voit que les groupes sont vraiment choisi pour le fest.


The line up is almost closed but since many people are wondering wich bands play on each day, here we go: 7th February: The Secret, Fistula, Mutilation Rites, Blind To Faith, Hierophant, Plebeian Grandstand, Adrift, Old Skin, Redemption + TBA 8th February : Bolzer, Mantar, Process Of Guilt, Morte Incandescente, Acid Deathtrip, Cowards, Tombstones, Oblivionized, Hymn + TBA

Je doute très fort que je pourrais en être puisque ce n’est pas du tout dans mes priorités mais faut bien admettre que la journée du 7 défonce bien.

j’ai passé hier la soirée avec l’organisateur… il est super content de l’affiche… mais un peu deg de voir encore si peu de preventes pour l’instant… mais apparament les dernieres annonces et surtout celle de Bolzer a fait son petit Buzz… faut esperer que ça ramene pas mal d’espagnol.
ça mérite bien les 250/300 personnes qu’il a besoin